Where we work

East of the Democratic Republic of Congo.

Africa’s First World War

30 years of uninterrupted conflict

One of the worst humanitarian crisis in the world

6 million dead

27 million of food insecure

4 million children lost at least one parent


What poverty does.

For thousands of children of East of the Democratic Republic of Congo, the most-likely future consists of poverty, violence, abuse, disease, no food, no clean water, no education, potential abduction, forced into military
But there is good news for them:

You can help

We provide

Three meals a day
Decent clothing
Leisure For children and guardians

Our first house

Although almost in ruins, my family home is the first we were able to make available.
It can accommodate about ten children and their guardians.

Our beloved ones

Melchesedeck Manara Kamitenga

Claude Bukeka

Jean-Paul Katanga

Bakuka Katti Merveille

Innocent Iko

Bulambo Dieumerci Kyange

Kyanza Wabiwa Annuarité

Kyanza Lusembe Rita

Olivier Katanga

Kyanza Mukamba Exaucé

Jean-De-Dieu Katanga


Marie-Françoise Lusembe

I was born in Uvira.
During three years of escape and survival, I was confronted with the horrors of unspeakable slaughter.

I promised myself that, once in a safe place, I would do all what I can to help.
Switzerland gave me shelter. I am now medical assistant at Lausanne hospital CHUV.

I founded Astralbina, a charity, to help children of Uvira escape violence, hunger and illiteracy, and devote all my free time to it.


Astralbina is entering its professionalization phase, for which funding needs to be raised
Phases Inception Professionalization Expansion
Year <2024 2024-2026 After 2026
Children 11 30+ As much as possible
Food Purchased Purchased + farming Farming

Cost transparency

Supporting a child 100% represents 200 USD per month
Item USD % Note
Food 1’003 41% 3 meals per day (cost to go down when farming starts)
Shelter 373 15% Based on rental after 11 children
Education 270 11% Including extra-English lessons
Leisure 255 11% Subscription to dish-TV, computer
Clothing 100 4%
Healthcare 91 4%
Overheads 333 14% Including monitoring visit and guardians pay
Cost per year per child 2’423 100%
Cost per month per child 202


Astralbina is supported by
Dimitri Panayotopoulos, born in Tanzania, Africa
Saad Harti, born in Morocco, Africa

Dimitri was Global Vice-Chairman of Procter & Gamble
Saad heads a biomedical research company

Our supporters

Dimitri Panayotopoulos
and family

Support Us

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Contact us

Marie-Françoise Lusembe


+41 79 709 48 76
+41 77 813 12 49

Rue Léon Michaud 4
1400 Yverdon